Advances in Digital Technologies for Food Safety

The food and beverage industry is undergoing a digital transformation. From large corporations to smaller, more flexible brands, companies are using digital technologies to collect more data regarding their workflow processes and to ensure safety and quality in food processing, packaging, and distribution. They use this information to transform their production systems and redefine how…

Systems Used in Monitoring Grain Moisture

Why is Monitoring Grain Moisture Important?Feeding the growing global population requires constant food quality and safety monitoring to ensure food security. Grain is the most commonly consumed food product, feeding both humans and livestock. Moisture can ruin entire stocks of grain if not monitored correctly. Even if it appears dry on the surface, moisture can…


When temperatures begin to fluctuate and rise as we approach the spring and summer months, keeping grain cool and dry is the best defense against insect activity and mold. Ken Hellevang, a grain storage expert and Extension agricultural engineer for the North Dakota State University Extension Service, suggests checking stored grain every two weeks at…

Comparing Contact and Non-Contact Temperature Sensors

Measuring temperature with electronic sensing devices is advantageous as even the smallest change in degree can be detected. In this article, two different temperature sensor types, contact and non-contact, are compared, discussing the differences in their working principle and the advantages of each temperature sensor. Types of Temperature ProbesContact temperature sensors rely on physical contact…

Keeping Stem Cells Safe with Temperature Sensors

Cryopreservation and CellsBy definition, cryopreservation refers to the utilization of extremely low temperatures to preserve the structural and functional integrity of cells and tissues as they transition from the aqueous phase to the solid phase. Once frozen, cryopreserved cells and tissues can remain stable, particularly when kept either at -80 °C or in liquid nitrogen…

How process automation benefits diverse industries

As innovations and digital disruptions change the market dynamics of industries globally, automation has emerged as a critical cog in diverse domains. The automation of various processes promotes the utmost efficiency in production, in addition to ensuring higher energy efficiency, decreased use of raw material and reduced dependence on human resources, leading to a drop…

How whiskey is shaped by the weather and climate

The Texan summer is long and hot. This year, particularly so. In some places, people have taken refuge in public libraries just to enjoy the air conditioning. And among those closely tracking the weather, besides overworked meteorologists, is a whiskey distillery in downtown Waco. Perched on the roof of Balcones Distillery is a complicated bundle…